
Client Inspiration- Bradley Cooper

Yesterday one of my clients, whom I haven't seen since May of this year came in for his haircut appointment.
When you walked in, he was wearing his usual work attire, collared shirt, tucked in neatly in his gray trouser pants and a nice black belt, and matching shoes. He was also wearing a long coat, very classy single button and gray in color. He looked so debonair and handsome.
And for his hair, Since it had been 6 months since I had seen him I was expecting it to be a mess.
But looking at him I was actually taken back, His hair grew out beautifully. His hair being naturally curly  layed perfectly along his face and he surprised me when he told me he was going for a
"Bradley Cooper look"

We cleaned him up and sent him out. He did indeed look just like Bradley Cooper, He seemed more than happy and I was stunned that this man knew and dropped Bradley Cooper's name in my chair.
Needless to say,I was very proud of my client, to take the initiave to educate himself on options for his hair, being inspired by someone else's locks that are very much like his own.
I am very proud!

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